
towards lower

carbon emission is

highly imperative

we are using the food

system as a Nexus.

What about you?

Food-climate change

Climate change and food insecurity are not a distant-future concept, it is happening right now and the need to act now. Climate change is the greatest challenge for mankind in the 21st century. It extreme weather events, and disproportionate effects are causing economically downtrodden across the world rendering the global south more susceptible to extreme poverty. Speaking of disproportionate effects and food insecurity, about 9.6 million people in the Sahel and West Africa are already food insecure. While about 7.1 million are Nigerian, some 3.5 million are malnourished children, and others are facing phase 5 famine.

In 2015, COP21 officially signed into the Paris Accord in the acknowledgment of Climate Change existence and the plethora havoc it could cause. Accordingly, the United Nations General Assembly set the 17 SDGs, a blueprint to achieve a sustainable future in relation to all facets of development. Specifically, SDG 1, 2, 12, and 13 tend to address poverty; zero hunger (the food system); production and consumption; and climate Action respectively.

The New Urban Agenda (NUA) inconsistent with SDG 1 and 2, seeks to integrate food and nutrition security through territorial approaches and policies to link up rural, peri-urban, and urban spaces with a focus on the urban poor. The NUA advocates a cross-sectoral approach uniting food production, storage, processing, distribution, and marketing to make sustainable food more accessible and affordable for all. It also suggests provisions to reduce food waste and food loss; recognizes the need to integrate with other policy areas, including energy, water, health, transport, and waste; and emphasizes the critical value of genetic diversity in seeds and the importance of reducing chemical inputs. To this extent, Essence Greenery has taken the mantle in unifying and to collaborate with all parties that share our vision using smart agriculture, a farm-to-plate initiative to cut emission while transitioning to a low-carbon and climate-resilient economy across Africa.

Our Sustainable mandates


About Us

Essence Greenery is a multipronged climate-food hub that is offering innovative solutions to poverty, food insecurity, and malnutrition while lowering carbon emission in the food systems. It is a paradigm shift against the business-as-usual in addressing the complexity of climate change, hunger, and food insecurity, particularly in Africa.

Food insecurity is a global problem, malnutrition is accountable for about half the deaths of children under 5years. Concurrently, the ignorance and negligence of our past are rendering our environment uninhabitable. Clearly the SDGs acknowledge Poverty; Food System; and Climate Action the blueprint for sustainable development while the New Urban Agenda advocated poverty and the food systems in the holistic approach towards attaining resilient society.

Essence Greenery took her mandates from the above International Agenda, we aimed at bridging the gap between research and practice; farm and produces accessibility sustainably. we seek using farm-to-fork; science-driven innovations; business-oriented approach; and IT applications as drivers in attain the transitions.

We are currently and directly involved in the produce of some staple foods such as cassava, maize, rice, moringa, and yam. Also, added value to staple foods to address malnutrition and post-harvest spoilage.


To transform the African food systems to address poverty, and food insecurity greenery. To connect every households in an urban neighborhoods systematically to access fresh, affordable, and nutritious food using our digital platform.


We are building a resilient Africa society using agricultural transformation as a pivot to address food insecurity, poverty and hidden hunger while concurrently and consciously reducing agricultural carbon footprint.

Why partner with us?

The Need for Partnership

The concept of food insecurity and greenhouse gas emission is global, though the action is local, impacts are global. That is why we are inviting global thinkers (private individuals, agencies, institutions) that share our sentiments to partner or invest with us because we cannot do it alone. We aimed to transform the agricultural food system in Nigeria and Africa in unique and innovative ways to address poverty, unemployment, hunger and malnutrition, and while transitioning in the direction of low-carbon emission.

Why Partnership?

Our very first partner is the environment and you. We want to expand with your unique resources, we want to share our wealth with you while creating a sustainable future for us. Concurrently, offsetting your carbon emission and very importantly creating wealth for yourself exponentially.


Do you know that the estimate current proportion of global land use for food production is 40% that could go 70%? (depending on business-as-usual and population growth).

Do you know that half of the 40% arable land is in Africa? And it is projected to grow to a trillion-dollar market in the next 15 years?

Do you know that agriculture and agribusiness together in Africa had been projected to grow into US$ 1 trillion industry in Sub-Saharan Africa alone by 2030 compare to the US that would be $ 313 billion?

Do you know that Agriculture generated 21 per cent of the Nigeria's GDP in 2015, and 70 per cent of rural dwellers are subsistence farmers?

Do you understand that many of our farmers see farming as means of survival?

"if we can

conquer space,

we can conquer



Support Our Mission

We are new, small but with large heart organization that sees the food system (poverty and Zero hunger) a microcosm of the SDGs. We want to create a better the world for people and nature. We want to feed while still nurturing the environment. While we struggle to address sustainability we also acknowledge inequality and inequity, not everyone could afford a day’s meal.

Do you know some millions in sub Saharan Africa are already in phase 5 famine and malnourished? Create a legacy today and be part of the solution, be part of the game-changer. Donate to empower, to feed your mirror image in the far distant-part while simultaneously compensating your carbon footprint. Be bold and brave to act NOW.

At Essence Greenery, integrity is our core value, we believe in transparency and accountability. Your money and valuable resources will not just be given to the needy but will be used to empower them, to enable them take care of their needs while at the same time making the environment safer.